Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence 
Means that in a marriage and relationship, one or both of the partners uses phycological, Sexual, physical violence.
There are many people in the society who support it and advise the woman to keep quiet. In most countries, There are many laws for domestic violence. And there are also organizations that can help you in this situation.But still the members of the house advise the victims to keep quiet. And sometimes does not get reported to the police. 

2 years ago i saw my neighbor beating his wife. In the evening I asked his wife but she avoided the matter. I felt so weird. When I asked her again, she got scared. I put pressure on her and asked her whether all this happened for the first time or it always happens with you. She started crying and said that he beats me, abuses, threatens me. She said this is not happening today, it has been happening for many years. 

She cried a lot as if after years she got a chance to share something with someone. I told her that you can share everything with me. I hugged her and tried to calm her down. She started crying very loudly, and started saying that he does domestic violence on me. I told her to report to the police, she got scared and said that she can't do all this. I felt very bad that how can a husband do all this to his wife?
I could see that pain and loneliness in her eyes, that fear was clearly visible in her eyes. she told me all what her husband has done to her. 

I asked her why she is tolerating all this?
She started crying again and said that now she will have to bear this for the rest of her life. It was very strange to hear all this, I told her to report to the police or talk to someone who can help you. 
    Maybe that fear of her was stopping her from raising her voice for herself. 
I thought I should report to the police but I knew that she would not say anything in the police station out of fear of her husband and would prove me wrong. I don't know when all this will stop with her, I wish she understand my point and she report to the police. 

I will always be sorry that I could not do anything for her. 
And I would also request all of you that if something like this happens to you, don't be silent and raise your voice.

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